Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Back in Shizuoka

I'm staying with Chihiro's family in Shizuoka until I can find a place of my own. They were very welcoming, and gave me some nice woolen sweaters. It's not snowing here, but it's still bloody cold! At first the cold was refreshing, but now it's just freezing. The living room is kept toasty warm with heaters and an electric carpet, and the futons are cozy with several duvets piled on. Chihiro's youngest sister taught me to tie my scarf in "Minyon style", named after a famous soapie star who is a big idol with middle-aged ladies. I tried to pull off the expression of longing that trademarks his character, but failed miserably.

It's tradition on new year's eve to send greeting cards to your relatives, friends, workmates, past school-friends, etc etc, wishing them a happy new year. (Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu!) Each family sends and receives hundreds of these cards within one or two days... a tremendous feat of postal efficiency. The above group photo was made into a card by Chihiro's dad, however their 20 year old son was not home when it was taken, and I was there instead, so they received many questions back from relatives asking if their son had transformed into a Gaijin!


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