Yes, it's another food article, but I've been shopping at Japanese supermarkets for a while now and I'm still finding the experience interesting. The variety of seafood is amazing, and I've been finding all sorts of surprises inside opaque packages labelled only in cryptic Kanji characters. The picture above shows a few things I picked up in town (yes I managed to find a place that imported vegemite). The packet on the left is labelled "wasabeef", which means that it's wasabi and beef flavoured. You might be forgiven for thinking packet on the right is calamari and bee flavoured. It's actually consome flavoured, once you read the Japanese. I'm not sure what's in the can above, although Chihiro did tell me when I got it. It's good to have her come shopping with me so I know which bottle is actually sesame oil, and which is soy sauce! One good thing about the language barrier is that there's no way to read any nutritional information, so I don't have to worry anything containing too much sugar or hydrogenated vegetable oil. It's amazing how ignorance can sometimes set you free.
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