Monday, February 06, 2006


Tonight Chihiro and I went out for a great homecooked meal at a friend's place. It was a long way from where we lived, and we had planned to catch the last bus home. Unfortunately we had a little too much fun and left a bit late. We were walking through the backstreets assuming we'd have to catch a taxi when a voice called from a car that had just pulled up at traffic lights on the cold deserted street, "Ben! Where're ya headed?" It was an Aussie friend who lives across the other side of the city, just a few blocks from my place. He'd just dropped his girlfriend off at her place, and was able to give us a lift all the way home! In the whole city there are only 2 people who could have given us a lift home, and odds against meeting them in an empty backstreet on the other side of the city when we needed them most must be phenomenal. What a night!


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